quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2017

A tribute to Angela Lansbury and her date bread!

Somehow we all forgot that Angela Lansbury was also young one day...

Dear Angela, nice to remember you (also) like this...

P.S. I love your date bread...

Angela Lansbury's Walnut Date Bread

2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 scant cup boiling water
1 cup chopped pitted dates
2/3 cup walnut pieces
1 cup granulated sugar
1 egg yolk
1 3/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Strawberry cream cheese, optional

Heat oven to 325 degrees F. Generously oil a 9 x 5-inch loaf pan and dust with flour.

Place butter, baking soda, boiling water and dates into a heatproof mixing bowl. Let cool. Mix in walnuts, sugar, egg yolk, flour and vanilla extract. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake for 1 hour.

Cool for 10 minutes and remove from pan onto rack to cool. Slice and serve with strawberry cream cheese and freshly brewed tea.

10 comentários:

  1. Thank you Ricardo!, LOVE this

  2. God, I just realized it now... Angela was 20 while filming this!!!!

  3. so old-fashioned and (a bit) cockney... I love it too!

  4. So... let us put more glamour into our lives!!! :-)

  5. Agreed! I am in!!

  6. rogerio cesar de sa bittencourt12 de janeiro de 2017 às 10:36

    Eu também a adoro

  7. Ricardo querido.Será a mesma época de Betty Grable e Ginger Rogers? Adorei!!! Elas eram lindas e glamurosas!!!
    Beijos dos amigos Regina e Roberto.

  8. Ginger e Betty comecaram bem mais cedo no Cinema... Ginger no início dos anos 30, Betty na metade...

  9. Angela comecou no Cinema em Dorian Grey (ou foi "Luz de gás"?) de 1945...
