sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2016

Debbie Reynolds (1932 - 2016)

Dear Debbie,
rest in peace...
and thank you for all those unforgettable moments on screen
(and even on stage: I had the privilege to see your performance in the fabulous "Irene" in the 70's).

Many may think you just as the all-american 100% sweet girl... like in "Singing in the rain", "Tammy", "The pleasure of his company" and so many others...
But your talents were much bigger that that!

Just a few will remember your performance in the (camp) film "What's the matter with Hellen?
and practically no one remembers this crazy, marvelous sense of humour of yours... like in the following two next videos
("What's my Line? from 1954 & 1959).

Thank you dear.
I will never forget you! You joined your daughter Carrie just a day afetr her death.
Peace and harmony to both of you!

Ladies and Gentlemen: the one and only Miss Reynolds!

2 comentários:

  1. Gostava muito de Debbie Reynolds, também. Fiquei com a maior pena dela partir, assim tão de repente. Certamente foi o abalo que a morte da filha lhe causou. Tadinha.
    Enfim, é esse o destino de todos.
    Mas pensemos positivo e vamos acreditar que 2017 vai ser um ano melhor do que o que se foi.
    Que ele venha cheio de bons momentos.
    Um beijão.
