domingo, 9 de outubro de 2016

Wiener Staatsballet October 8th, 2016: Van Manen / Ekman / Kylián - revisited

October 16th, 2016

I was asked to change this critic because I criticized Miss Rebecca Horn's and Mr.Kaydanowsky's work.
I was in a good mood and I changed it.

But I still do not understand why I did that. What made me do that...

I deleted the words but I still feel them.
My opinion has not been changed.

I shall never change a critic again. Critics are part of the trade. If you're on "Show-Bizz", you must count with it.

It is a shame that some people do not accept free speech which should belong to us all.
One should be absolutely free to voice (or in this case, write) opinions on subjects of any art form.
Art should speak to a person's emotions and evoke a response.
It is for no one else to decide what that response should or should not be and to censor an unfavourable opinion.

Best regards
Ricardo Leitner


It is always wonderful to watch performances – not such important ones – during the season…

New information…


is and will always be a very gloomy kind of ballet – and to be very honest it is NOT one of my favourite van Manen’s pieces. It is beautiful but it is also very boring… and terribly dark.
Lovely performances by Eszter Ledán, Alexandru Tcacenco (having his debut in this role) and Alice Firenze.

Even if I love and cherish Liudmila Konovalova’s work and stage presence I do not think this role is right for her… It does not frame the canvas of artistry that this beautiful Ballerina possesses.
It is not "enough" for her talents - and I hope you may have seen that I make a pont in writing this substantive in the plural form.

Mikhail Sosnovschi – looking very thin, long necked and younger than ever – always a pleasure to watch on stage.


Ekman’s choreography is always fun – so challenging -
Masayu Kimoto gave a new (for me), delightful reading of this role.

One should mention Alexis Forabosco (a strong dancer), Dumitru Taran and Greig Matthews – full of energy and giving the audience lots of “fun”.
Three dancers you can “rely” on.
I will never forget these three in "Manon". Pure joy!


One of Kylián’s masterpieces…
Ketevan Papava leading the piece in her own special way. Miss Papava is an inspiration to all “everyday ballet goers”.
I have been watching her work quite closely since many years and it is incredible what has been going on within her.
I am not talking about technique.
I am talking about “aura”, stage presence…
A Diva is being born.

Great performances by Alexis Forabosco (again very strong), Nina Polakova, Kamil Pavelka and Davide Dato – such a natural dancer…

But, the graetest pleasure was to remember Miss Marie-Claire D’Lyse’s performance some years ago... Unforgettable.

All in all: a pleasant, “nice” evening.

Not too special – but also not bad…

3 comentários:

  1. No comments will be published anymore for this critic.
    I have deleted all comments which had been put on line - many others were not even considered to be published due to their questionable tone - not only to me.
    I am very tired of this tittle-tattle about it.
    I would also like to ask for refraining from sending me Emails about it.

  2. Please, as I said above: no more Emails.
    This is beginning to get boring... :-)
